
Spravato®: The Nasal Spray That Combats Treatment-Resistant Depression

Feb 07, 2024
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If you have depression that hasn’t responded to standard treatments, you need an effective solution. Here, we take a close look at why Spravato® might be your answer to treatment-resistant depression.

In the world of mental health care, combating treatment-resistant depression (TRD) has been a considerable challenge. However, there's new hope on the horizon with the arrival of Spravato® — an innovative nasal spray that’s shown promise in alleviating symptoms for those suffering from TRD. It is approved and covered through health insurance, making it accessible to a wider number of patients.

Our team of doctors and nurses at Ketamine Health & Wellness Clinics of Ohio has the expertise to administer this treatment to give you the relief you need. Here, we take a closer look at treatment-resistant depression as well as this remarkable treatment that can combat it.

When depression doesn’t respond to treatments

TRD poses a significant hurdle for both patients and mental health professionals. It refers to cases of depression where standard therapies like antidepressants and psychotherapy haven't proven effective. 

This condition affects more than 100 million people worldwide, leading to persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and sometimes, even suicidal thoughts.

How Spravato works

Spravato represents a groundbreaking approach to TRD treatment. Its active ingredient, ketamine, works differently from traditional antidepressants. Ketamine targets your brain's N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors — which are associated with mood regulation — in a way that’s distinct from conventional antidepressants.

The benefits of Spravato

One of the key advantages of Spravato is its rapid action. Unlike many antidepressants that can take weeks to show effects, Spravato has demonstrated quick results in many of our patients. This can be life-changing if you experience severe depressive symptoms and are in urgent need of relief.

How we administer Spravato

Spravato comes in a nasal spray, which you self-administer under our medical supervision. This occurs in our office so we can monitor any immediate side effects, primarily related to dissociation or changes in your blood pressure or heart rate, which can occur shortly after administration. We closely monitor you for two hours while you rest.

Spravato’s efficacy

Many of our patients experience a reduction in depressive symptoms and improved overall mood. Despite its efficacy, there are considerations and potential side effects associated with Spravato that may include nausea, dizziness, dissociation, and an increase in blood pressure.

Although Spravato has shown promise, it may not be effective for everyone with TRD, and individual responses may vary.

As mental health specialists, we’re excited about what Spravato offers — a significant step in providing hope to individuals who are battling TRD. Its unique mechanism of action and relatively fast-acting nature offer a glimmer of optimism when traditional therapies fall short. 

As research progresses and more data emerges, we believe Spravato has the potential to redefine the landscape of TRD treatment, offering a renewed chance at a better quality of life.

To find out if you’re a candidate for Spravato, click here now to book a consultation with our team in Dublin, Ohio.