
Who Are We?

May 22, 2023
Who Are We?
Finding a mental health care provider in Ohio is challenging. With the expanding population, wait times are long (often 6+ months) and symptom relief is often delayed even after initiation of current medications commonly used in practice.

Finding a mental health care provider in Ohio is challenging. With the expanding population, wait times are long (often 6+ months) and symptom relief is often delayed even after initiation of current medications commonly used in practice. Effects of medications that are standard for depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder are not seen for upwards of 4 weeks or longer. Moreover, the efficacy of some current medical therapies has recently been called into question. We knew we had to fill a void in the current landscape of mental health care locally.

Mental health, in some ways, is the last remaining “black box” of modern medicine. We have all sorts of tools for other medical problems, such as heart failure, diabetes, and cancer. These are research-rich areas and heavily funded. Mental health care has, in many ways, been left behind. This has left patients who need help without great options.

That has changed, however, in the past several years to some degree. More and more research evidence is looking to alternative treatments like ketamine and other psychedelic medications for patients who are refractory to current standard mental health treatment. What they have found is that we may have missed the mark as healthcare providers and researchers for many years on truly pinpointing the complex mechanisms that underlie many mental health conditions. The previous void in research and result oriented medical management has been met with a growing set of data on alternative treatments. This is where ketamine comes in.

The science in support of its use for mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD has continued to shine a bright spotlight on its efficacy in improving patient symptoms in the acute and long term. Is it a magic cure for these conditions? By no means. Mental health is more complex than a single magic pill or therapy session. It takes time and effort on both the patient’s part and that of the provider working collaboratively to see what works, what doesn’t, and pivot when necessary. That sort of partnership and clinical training in mental health is important. However, it is also important for patients to experience relief. Ketamine provides that relief. It does so quickly for many patients, and that is why we formed our practice. We are here not only to serve our community where access to mental health care is challenging but to also be leaders in our community in helping patients find quick, effective relief both in the short and long term.

Who Are We?

Our team is composed of Dr. Seifferth, a board-certified Emergency Medicine physician with over 29 years of expertise in the administration of ketamine, who works alongside the expert knowledge in the psychiatry field provided by Dr. Bellanti. Dr. Bellanti has treated the most challenging mental health cases for over 10 years and sees the negative impacts caused by delays in care as well as the frustrations with current medical therapies that either take too long to provide symptom relief or are ineffective. This initial team has expanded to include two highly trained Nurse Practitioners who have worked in some of the most challenging healthcare settings, including the intensive care unit. We formed this multidisciplinary team because we knew that combining skill sets allows for a broad, safe, and effective approach to mental health care delivery, especially as it pertains to the administration of medications such as ketamine. Our goal is not only to be a leader in mental health care for our patients, but continue to strive to live on the cutting edge of modern mental health practice. We owe it to our patients to be the best. We are vested in our patients and we are committed to each other in ensuring our patients’ expectations are not only met but exceeded.

We are innovative, collaborative, and ready to provide the best care possible. We are dedicated to you. We would love the opportunity to work for you and help you find the relief and happiness you deserve. We are Ketamine Health and Wellness Clinics of Ohio.